*erinnoel*: dogs need hope too
*erinnoel*: i didn't write it, i just shot it.
*erinnoel*: if i had to guess, i'd say this is not quite the setting jean-paul sartre had in mind...
*erinnoel*: tiny truth
*erinnoel*: note to self:
*erinnoel*: 365/19
*erinnoel*: 365/20: oh, happy day...
*erinnoel*: thank you, flickrs!!!
*erinnoel*: how i spent the day...
*erinnoel*: no 4 BIG, for mykl
*erinnoel*: D P hearts N...
*erinnoel*: for Tovar
*erinnoel*: sign, sign, everywhere a sign...
*erinnoel*: quicksilver
*erinnoel*: midtown madness
*erinnoel*: 365/147
*erinnoel*: broken. heart.
*erinnoel*: the last time i saw richard
*erinnoel*: the diner
*erinnoel*: 365/161
*erinnoel*: EA HOUSE
*erinnoel*: 365/166: happy bench monday!
*erinnoel*: waste
*erinnoel*: seeking: one inspiration.
*erinnoel*: market/deli/home, sweet market/deli/home
*erinnoel*: LOVE xo