erin_designr: print swap in the hotel bar
erin_designr: print swap in the hotel bar
erin_designr: checking out a 5x7 camera
erin_designr: print swap in the hotel bar
erin_designr: the camera maker with his work
erin_designr: tables of work
erin_designr: handmade pinhole camera
erin_designr: handmade pinhole camera
erin_designr: tables of work
erin_designr: checking out the work
erin_designr: tables of work
erin_designr: tables of work - mine in front
erin_designr: ilan wolff presenting
erin_designr: one of ilan's large photograms
erin_designr: martha casanave
erin_designr: jesseca ferguson, ilan wolff, martha casanave answer questions
erin_designr: tom persinger asks a question
erin_designr: stones photo - ialn wolff
erin_designr: jesseca ferguson, ilan wolff, martha casanave answer questions
erin_designr: fire and stones photos - ilan wolff
erin_designr: jo babcock tells everyone how to stand
erin_designr: tom with a barbie polaroid
erin_designr: checking the angle of view for the group photo
erin_designr: jo placing the camera - an american tourister
erin_designr: jo babcock taking a pinhole picture of the group
erin_designr: tom takes a polaroid of the group with a barbie polaroid camera
erin_designr: robert hirsch
erin_designr: jerry spagnoli
erin_designr: jerry spagnoli - really cool daguerrotypes
erin_designr: jerry spagnoli - really cool daguerrotypes