erin c anguish:
The Ride
erin c anguish:
The Look
erin c anguish:
bitchin' ride!
erin c anguish:
bluegrass, yo
erin c anguish:
yes, that's a castle.
erin c anguish:
not in kansas anymore
erin c anguish:
the long road
erin c anguish:
Our first stop
erin c anguish:
Standin' Around Doin' Nothin'
erin c anguish:
Katsumi's own personal Heaven
erin c anguish:
"flag as 'may offend'"
erin c anguish:
A little too excited
erin c anguish:
erin c anguish:
and the beast
erin c anguish:
the puppies love katsumi
erin c anguish:
E$ and Drum Set
erin c anguish:
Down at the Studio
erin c anguish:
The Workshop
erin c anguish:
Friends with Bad Lighting
erin c anguish:
The Ol' Softshoe
erin c anguish:
Rallying the troops
erin c anguish:
tech support
erin c anguish:
"working from the room"
erin c anguish:
proud of himself
erin c anguish:
Wherein I make the case that my boyfriend is kind of retarded
erin c anguish:
Exhibit A
erin c anguish:
Exhibit B
erin c anguish:
Exhibit C
erin c anguish:
Exhibit D