EriEast: Tiger Loves Her New Toy!
EriEast: New Bone!
EriEast: Tiger and Willy
EriEast: Mr Willy LOVES Tiger
EriEast: Chillin on the couch
EriEast: Tiger and Willy
EriEast: Sniffing
EriEast: Curious
EriEast: Curious
EriEast: Wrinkles
EriEast: Portrait
EriEast: Squirt!
EriEast: Mr Purple in the grass
EriEast: Tiger on our deck
EriEast: comfortable
EriEast: squirming
EriEast: squirming
EriEast: look at me!
EriEast: ham
EriEast: biting the leg
EriEast: biting the leg
EriEast: devil dog
EriEast: smile
EriEast: ham
EriEast: armpit!
EriEast: ham
EriEast: aren't I pretty
EriEast: devil dog
EriEast: what?
EriEast: what?