James and Erin Bow:
North bed
James and Erin Bow:
hostas, astilbe, climbing hydragea
James and Erin Bow:
bird feeder
James and Erin Bow:
bird feeder ii
James and Erin Bow:
South bed: astilbe, geranium
James and Erin Bow:
more clay birds
James and Erin Bow:
South bed again: hydrangea and "ginger ale" coral bell
James and Erin Bow:
vivi's favourite birds: a mommy bird and two "sister birds"
James and Erin Bow:
finally got the annuals in a couple of weeks back
James and Erin Bow:
Where baby spiders come from
James and Erin Bow:
Rose for Wendy
James and Erin Bow: