James and Erin Bow: boone & scenic valley railroad
James and Erin Bow: shot along the trian
James and Erin Bow: you mean I'm actually *on* the train?
James and Erin Bow: antique shop -- vivian loved this hat and basket
James and Erin Bow: Stetson hats
James and Erin Bow: grandma's glasses
James and Erin Bow: please, please, no photographs
James and Erin Bow: fried ice cream!
James and Erin Bow: Garbo Hello
James and Erin Bow: Vivi in the tube
James and Erin Bow: Hot under a sun hat
James and Erin Bow: Fish at the Sunken Gardens
James and Erin Bow: Vivian and Grandma
James and Erin Bow: Vivian and Grandma Judy
James and Erin Bow: Use the walkway? Can I ever!
James and Erin Bow: Striding along
James and Erin Bow: You think I should what?
James and Erin Bow: Wet is fun!
James and Erin Bow: Running through the sprinkler
James and Erin Bow: Butcher's Holler
James and Erin Bow: I love it up here!
James and Erin Bow: This whole cone is for me?
James and Erin Bow: I'll share.