James and Erin Bow:
At the playground
James and Erin Bow:
At the playground II
James and Erin Bow:
Nor at the playgroud
James and Erin Bow:
Not entirely pleased at the splash park
James and Erin Bow:
head out on the highway
James and Erin Bow:
get your motor running
James and Erin Bow:
New toy
James and Erin Bow:
Midsummer Vivian II
James and Erin Bow:
Vivi's exer-saucer
James and Erin Bow:
They bought me a new gym
James and Erin Bow:
Same sweater, different year
James and Erin Bow:
she learned to grab things
James and Erin Bow:
Vivian and Mom at playgroud
James and Erin Bow:
I think I'm going to like it.