erin.caldwell: ben's pic of his aunt erin
erin.caldwell: lemme see!
erin.caldwell: ben's pic of his aunt erin
erin.caldwell: ben's picture of his momma
erin.caldwell: ben's pic of his nana
erin.caldwell: ben looks like such a frat boy in a visor!
erin.caldwell: bouncy castle
erin.caldwell: bouncy castle
erin.caldwell: jungle gym thingy
erin.caldwell: train ride!!
erin.caldwell: cool fire truck!
erin.caldwell: attempting to ride the tractor
erin.caldwell: playing in the sand
erin.caldwell: playing in the sand
erin.caldwell: ben looked great in dad's hat
erin.caldwell: oh, the anticipation
erin.caldwell: there they are!! hey!!
erin.caldwell: hello, nana and grandaddy!
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad
erin.caldwell: splash pad