erin.caldwell: barack of looooove
erin.caldwell: jaime and steve (it was cccold)
erin.caldwell: IMG_3411.JPG
erin.caldwell: megan couldn't get her camera to work :(
erin.caldwell: jenna and jaime
erin.caldwell: jenna and me
erin.caldwell: steve and chris
erin.caldwell: jenna and jaime
erin.caldwell: me and steve!
erin.caldwell: steve and chris
erin.caldwell: steve and chris
erin.caldwell: inauguration ticket
erin.caldwell: inauguration ticket
erin.caldwell: liz, obama and me!
erin.caldwell: me, barack and jenna
erin.caldwell: liz, me and jenna at the kozels' inauguration party
erin.caldwell: ashley, me and jenn
erin.caldwell: tristan and me
erin.caldwell: kate and me
erin.caldwell: kate, me and jenna
erin.caldwell: chillin' in the basement
erin.caldwell: one last dance before kate goes
erin.caldwell: dancing with obama!
erin.caldwell: dancing with obama!
erin.caldwell: aww, me and dover
erin.caldwell: inauguration-edition menu at levelone
erin.caldwell: sea of people as far as the eye can see
erin.caldwell: people making their way toward the capitol
erin.caldwell: very cold and very early
erin.caldwell: so many people