erin.caldwell: wun hung lo
erin.caldwell: mr. president and mrs. smith
erin.caldwell: princess buttercup and wun hung lo
erin.caldwell: the edelcrew! (sans monte)
erin.caldwell: the edelcrew!
erin.caldwell: oh, fellas
erin.caldwell: mrs. smith, j lo, and mr. president
erin.caldwell: princess buttercup and mrs. smith
erin.caldwell: princess buttercup and mr. president
erin.caldwell: crazzzzzy mrs. smith
erin.caldwell: er, what?
erin.caldwell: being ridiculous
erin.caldwell: tristan, aka J.T.
erin.caldwell: monte, don't look now ... but there's a skull on your shoulder!
erin.caldwell: kevin and mory = hot
erin.caldwell: princess buttercup in the funky hat
erin.caldwell: that's hot, daves
erin.caldwell: the funky hat makes the rounds
erin.caldwell: tristan's got the moooooves
erin.caldwell: jamming in a funky hat
erin.caldwell: no clue what this was
erin.caldwell: the wonderful, talented DAVES
erin.caldwell: jenna looks great as a brunette!
erin.caldwell: "nooo" says daves