erin.caldwell: Baby Ben on his way to see Aunt E!
erin.caldwell: it's a family affair!
erin.caldwell: me and Andrea!
erin.caldwell: Tristan and his cousin, Craig
erin.caldwell: Jenna and Chris (LBB)
erin.caldwell: musical morning
erin.caldwell: Hey, Ben, don't you want to climb inside this suitcase?
erin.caldwell: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\=
erin.caldwell: mom, Ben and me in front of the Capitol
erin.caldwell: we couldn't get Ben to look at the camera
erin.caldwell: Look, ma! My future office!
erin.caldwell: the lovely view on the Mall
erin.caldwell: Ben chose his destiny at the museum!
erin.caldwell: Ben chose his destiny at the museum!
erin.caldwell: this is what happens with quartz, sand and water
erin.caldwell: As Andrea put it, "the squat"
erin.caldwell: Here we go ...
erin.caldwell: Weeeee!!!
erin.caldwell: Ben and grandma
erin.caldwell: Playing in the courtyard below my apartment
erin.caldwell: Ben, hauling a heavy load
erin.caldwell: Nature baby
erin.caldwell: peek-a-boo
erin.caldwell: bathtime
erin.caldwell: tah-dah!
erin.caldwell: see, ben? all done!
erin.caldwell: oh, bathtime
erin.caldwell: whew! bathtime's over!
erin.caldwell: looks like somebody found the pots and pans ...