erin.lee: "O love is the crooked thing
erin.lee: sometimes i have to remind myself of this
erin.lee: When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
erin.lee: "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
erin.lee: From the first roll of film.
erin.lee: Film 7, or Because This Tree and the Light Were Beautiful and Therefore Megan Was Required to Pose.
erin.lee: Children's Art
erin.lee: It was love at first sight
erin.lee: I shall state silences more competently than ever a better man spangled the butterflies of vertigo.
erin.lee: a faded memory
erin.lee: the train ride home
erin.lee: I love shadows.
erin.lee: Early Light
erin.lee: In photography class my teacher would point out the diagonals and repetition.
erin.lee: Film 11