Erika13: Montrealers in Sampa
Erika13: Headur and Erika
Erika13: Marianne and Erika
Erika13: headur and Marianne
Erika13: Tom again
Erika13: Pizza night
Erika13: The gals
Erika13: Jackie
Erika13: Isabelle's blizzard savvy
Erika13: headur and Silver
Erika13: Fridays
Erika13: Fridays
Erika13: DSC07559
Erika13: DSC07561
Erika13: Geekie BBQ
Erika13: Temakis for dinner
Erika13: Louise and her funky house
Erika13: Louise, Martha, Sheila and baby Adam
Erika13: Moi même, Louise, Sheila and Adam
Erika13: pool with university guys
Erika13: Fernanda with Gui's work
Erika13: Fernanda and Guilherme
Erika13: Gui and Rick went around Curitiba in the coolest bikes!
Erika13: Cumpadres and Comadres with the beloved Vitor
Erika13: The last time I'll be able to hold Vitor...
Erika13: ECA
Erika13: Brazilian Montrealers (less than half of the group)
Erika13: Louise is like a sister
Erika13: Halim's
Erika13: At Halim's