pebblewatcher: new mapping of the Caetano Complex
pebblewatcher: Flow banding in Caetano Tuff
pebblewatcher: upper plate rocks on the Caetano Caldera margin
pebblewatcher: looking into the Caetano Caldera
pebblewatcher: Forest and Simone on the megabreccia (?)
pebblewatcher: on the caldera margin at Caetano
pebblewatcher: Forest, Simone and Marianne climbed in the face of a thunderstorm
pebblewatcher: pre-rain clouds
pebblewatcher: pre-rain clouds above the Caetano Caldera
pebblewatcher: rain in the Caetano Caldera
pebblewatcher: Simone's hair charged by a nearby thunderstorm
pebblewatcher: Angel Lake, NV
pebblewatcher: my good little car made it up and then down a very giant hill
pebblewatcher: Angel Lake, NV
pebblewatcher: pegmatite dike
pebblewatcher: Nice mica books in a pegmatite dike
pebblewatcher: mist above Angel Lake
pebblewatcher: mist above Angel Lake