pebblewatcher: Erika at age three
pebblewatcher: three generations of Amir women
pebblewatcher: It's 10 freakin' degrees out.
pebblewatcher: below the harris hill gliderport
pebblewatcher: chemung river and its attendant valley
pebblewatcher: chemung valley
pebblewatcher: harris hill overlook
pebblewatcher: harris hill overlook
pebblewatcher: harris hill overlook
pebblewatcher: culvert behind my parent's house
pebblewatcher: snow clouds and bare trees, 4 pm
pebblewatcher: looking up at harris hill
pebblewatcher: there is a deer in this picture
pebblewatcher: unnamed stream
pebblewatcher: looking out across big flats
pebblewatcher: the two pigs my sister got
pebblewatcher: mom and this squeezy thing she got
pebblewatcher: christmas tree oatmeal muffin breakfast cake thinger
pebblewatcher: christmas eve at my parents' house
pebblewatcher: rainbow over SFO, from terminal 3, gate 89
pebblewatcher: I'm lichen my foot
pebblewatcher: northeastern woods in winter
pebblewatcher: a forest of bare trees
pebblewatcher: our path
pebblewatcher: two streams and some rocks
pebblewatcher: snow is now water
pebblewatcher: siluro-devonian fossiliferous limestone