pebblewatcher: my guest room in the new house
pebblewatcher: snow-dusted evergreens along Rt 13
pebblewatcher: close-up of snowy evergreens on Rt 13
pebblewatcher: snow-dusted evergreens along Rt 13 and a few pockets of snow in the meadow
pebblewatcher: Tyrannosaurus Vest
pebblewatcher: Audrey is pretending to ride the subway in NYC
pebblewatcher: Audrey is a bag lady.
pebblewatcher: Romancing the cow
pebblewatcher: At age 26 and 23 we finally learned to share.
pebblewatcher: I am not amused
pebblewatcher: LA LA LA
pebblewatcher: Well, I'm glad SOMEONE thinks it's funny.
pebblewatcher: The one, the only, the mom.
pebblewatcher: Richard
pebblewatcher: A good picture of my parents!
pebblewatcher: This is more like the usual dynamic
pebblewatcher: giantihuge kitchen in the new house
pebblewatcher: kitchen and living room
pebblewatcher: 18 foot ceiling, I think
pebblewatcher: Entryway and main staircase
pebblewatcher: Quail Hollow
pebblewatcher: looking out mom's office window
pebblewatcher: from the balcony
pebblewatcher: in the ballroom looking into the tv nook
pebblewatcher: Every now and then I miss living in NY
pebblewatcher: snowclouds
pebblewatcher: the huge drainage ditch at Quail Run
pebblewatcher: chilling in the kitchen at grandma's
pebblewatcher: Aunt Nina