ERIK98122: Venetian
ERIK98122: Love all that neon
ERIK98122: Wynn
ERIK98122: Sweet RIde
ERIK98122: Requisite bathroom mirror shot
ERIK98122: Vegas @ night
ERIK98122: Palm
ERIK98122: Mirage
ERIK98122: Japonais
ERIK98122: Whoopie
ERIK98122: Venetian
ERIK98122: crazy ass chandeliers in this town
ERIK98122: Venetian
ERIK98122: Venetian
ERIK98122: The silent favorite
ERIK98122: Drunky Vegas
ERIK98122: Egg Man
ERIK98122: Yeek!!
ERIK98122: Drunky Vegas
ERIK98122: Drunky Vegas
ERIK98122: Drunky Vegas
ERIK98122: The world of guilding
ERIK98122: Poor little duck
ERIK98122: Land of make believe
ERIK98122: Needless to say I loved this!
ERIK98122: Ms Lady
ERIK98122: Never Never Land
ERIK98122: Hurrah!
ERIK98122: Some drunk copping a feel