eric.flashback: Farm museum on Washington island
eric.flashback: Sea gull in gills rock
eric.flashback: Sail boat in Ellison bay
eric.flashback: Susanna at Europe lake
eric.flashback: IMG_0140
eric.flashback: IMG_0141
eric.flashback: Ellison bay sunset
eric.flashback: old coast guard station
eric.flashback: fishing boat seen from the ferry
eric.flashback: grandma and her grand kids at the bench
eric.flashback: my family
eric.flashback: Ellison bay bluff
eric.flashback: Bethany on hike to the bench
eric.flashback: Peter Ray Susanna Mady
eric.flashback: Caitlin tubing
eric.flashback: trail in Newport state park
eric.flashback: Aidan feeding the goats at the farm museum
eric.flashback: Caitlin kayaking at sunset
eric.flashback: faith 2 in gills rock
eric.flashback: IMG_0870
eric.flashback: plum island range light
eric.flashback: plum island range light 2
eric.flashback: nobody was happy in the old days
eric.flashback: flags lit up by the setting sun
eric.flashback: Kirsten and Ray
eric.flashback: Christian and his cup of coffee
eric.flashback: farm museum on Washington island
eric.flashback: Pete Shirley Mady on the hotz trail