ericsoco: welcome to nikko
ericsoco: going the wrong way
ericsoco: where are you taking us?
ericsoco: what the...
ericsoco: kiddie coaster
ericsoco: no way.
ericsoco: need a push?
ericsoco: look out beloooow!
ericsoco: purty mountains
ericsoco: creeko in nikko
ericsoco: hidden shrine
ericsoco: Toshugu entrance
ericsoco: cellphones and temples
ericsoco: we put the "gaiiii"
ericsoco: the Yomeimon
ericsoco: treasure hunters
ericsoco: the Gojunoto
ericsoco: holy figurines
ericsoco: roofs
ericsoco: roof detail
ericsoco: a sign
ericsoco: forest stairway
ericsoco: the wall
ericsoco: stone sentries
ericsoco: vivo machine
ericsoco: magic plastic ramen
ericsoco: a river walk in nikko
ericsoco: missed the bus.
ericsoco: gaijin in back
ericsoco: no hanging