PathToPhoto: The Morning of the New Year
PathToPhoto: Christmas Lights
PathToPhoto: Sleepy Pups
PathToPhoto: Gifts from Some Friends
PathToPhoto: Grant and Christmas Lights
PathToPhoto: Icy Steps
PathToPhoto: Playing with Long Exposure
PathToPhoto: Bruce's Toy is Trying to Escape
PathToPhoto: Knab Working Out
PathToPhoto: Big Bang Theory Board Game
PathToPhoto: Board Game Time with the Tallaksens
PathToPhoto: Playing a Board Game
PathToPhoto: Coach Knab
PathToPhoto: Knab Post-Lost
PathToPhoto: Tim Photobombs
PathToPhoto: Scott Cooking
PathToPhoto: Proper Cooking Time
PathToPhoto: Scott's Preparation
PathToPhoto: Bonnie
PathToPhoto: Skippy Peanut Butter
PathToPhoto: "I Want Chips"
PathToPhoto: Avacyn Restored Booster Box
PathToPhoto: B Vegas
PathToPhoto: IMG_0715
PathToPhoto: Volunteering
PathToPhoto: B Vegas
PathToPhoto: Rachel at Deagan's
PathToPhoto: Magic Night
PathToPhoto: All Five Colors
PathToPhoto: Dinner for Players