Eric Lu Photography: Merlin (X7A_7997-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Merlin with prey (bird) X7A_8323-1
Eric Lu Photography: Great Horned Owl (X77_9458-1)
Eric Lu Photography: House Wren (X74_9022-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Hummingbird and bees (X77_8930-1)
Eric Lu Photography: California Thrasher (X74_0789-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Allen's Hummingbird (X74_3524-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Anna's Hummingbird (X74_8912-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Pacific-slope Flycatcher (X73_6740-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Red-tailed Hawk (X72_4493-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Merlin (X71_3698-1)
Eric Lu Photography: White-tailed Kite (X6C_1411-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Macro Mondays - Holiday Bokeh (607_3602-1)
Eric Lu Photography: White-tailed Kite (X68_9063-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Northern Flicker (X68_8515-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Chinese Moon Festival Cake (607_2887-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Red-tailedHawk is flying away ... (X68_5011-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Northern Red Bishop (X67_2470-2)
Eric Lu Photography: Scaly-breasted Munia (X67_0777-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Lazuli Bunting (606_8410-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Hooded Oriole (605_7209-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Violet-green Swallow (603_1988-2)
Eric Lu Photography: Grey Ghost (603_2255-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Merlin with snack (603_0835-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Canyon Wren (602_0406-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Great Gray Owl (602_9960-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Burrowing Owl
Eric Lu Photography: Townsend's Warbler after taking a bath (601_9313-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Spotted Dove (7D617840-1)