Eric Lu Photography: Western Grebe and chick (R52_0688)
Eric Lu Photography: Grebe courtship rushing ceremony (R52_8819-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Double-crested Cormorant with fish (R52_0943-1)
Eric Lu Photography: American Wigeon (X13_7610-1)
Eric Lu Photography: American Wigeon (X13_7605-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Northern Shoveler (X12_3714-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X03_1517)
Eric Lu Photography: Chilean Flamingo in Sunset (X02_0858-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Chilean Flamingo (X02_9296-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Give me your trout! (X2015495-1)
Eric Lu Photography: American White Pelican and Cormorant (X2014964-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Run away ... (X2013874-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Chasing for fish ... (X9B_2264-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Chasing for fish ... (X9B_2100-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X9B_2084-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Share the fish .... (X9B_2040-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X9B_1764-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Reflection - Hooded Merganser (X9B_1373-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Hooded Merganser couple (X9B_1359-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Hooded Merganser (X9B_1324-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X9B_0808-1
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant caught Rainbow Trout ( X9B_0626-1)
Eric Lu Photography: It's my fish ... (X9B_8745-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X9B_8717-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Wood Duck (X9B_6478-1)
Eric Lu Photography: White-faced Ibis (X9B_3735-1)
Eric Lu Photography: White-faced Ibis (X9B_3669-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X91_6158-2)
Eric Lu Photography: Double-crested Cormorant with Rainbow Trout (X91_4680-1)