Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern chicks (606_0064-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Attacking .... (606_0119-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Deliver big dinner .... (606_9859-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Food exchange (606_9748-1)
Eric Lu Photography: I got you ...
Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern
Eric Lu Photography: Tern (X68_3917-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Tern with snack (606_0973-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Got fish? (X68_3298-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Upside down (X68_3346-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Feeding time (606_1005-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Tern feeding time
Eric Lu Photography: Delivering fresh seafood ....
Eric Lu Photography: Fish for you ...
Eric Lu Photography: Just for you dear!
Eric Lu Photography: Just for you dear!
Eric Lu Photography: It's better than nothing
Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern
Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern with fish (7D741757-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Catching fish in the air ... ( 7D741957-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Just out of water .... (X77_4880-1)
Eric Lu Photography: White tern (X7C_1861-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern with fish (X07_2201-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern (X08_3288-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Fresh catch of the day (X08_3729-1)
Eric Lu Photography: For my lovely Children (2106_9861)