Eric Lu Photography: Blackburnian Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Black-throated Gray Warbler (male)
Eric Lu Photography: Nashville Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Hatch Year (HY) Tennessee Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Tennessee Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Red-breasted Grosbeak
Eric Lu Photography: I got you ...
Eric Lu Photography: I gotta go .... They're coming ...
Eric Lu Photography: Tennessee Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Who ae they? Who is singing? - three different grosbeaks
Eric Lu Photography: Scarlet Tanager (male)
Eric Lu Photography: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female)
Eric Lu Photography: Western Screech Owl Couple
Eric Lu Photography: Bees, don't bother me, I am sleeping!!
Eric Lu Photography: Spotted Towhee is calling ...
Eric Lu Photography: Blackburnian Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Blackburnian Warbler with snack!
Eric Lu Photography: Magnolia Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Vermilion Flycatcher
Eric Lu Photography: Cassin's finch (female)
Eric Lu Photography: Verdin (male)
Eric Lu Photography: Black-throated Sparrow (511-4751-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Cape May warbler (X6A_0969-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Emperor goose (X71_2849-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Bay-breasted Warbler and Bee (X7A_2369-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Plumbeous Vireo (X7A_2451-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Harlequin Duck (X82_9583-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Rose-breasted Grosbeak - immature male (X89_9729-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Bell's Vireo - eastern (X91_8613-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Summer Tanager (X2014283-1)