Eric Lu Photography: Barn Owl (R51_9114)
Eric Lu Photography: Ash-throated Flycatcher (R55_3984)
Eric Lu Photography: American Kestrel - Juvenile (R55_9152-1)
Eric Lu Photography: American Kestrel - Juvenile (R55_8174)
Eric Lu Photography: Northern Harrier (R52_3916)
Eric Lu Photography: Cooper's Hawk (R51_1406)
Eric Lu Photography: Red-tailed Hawk (R52_8232)
Eric Lu Photography: Happy Mother's Day - Grebe family (R52_3706)
Eric Lu Photography: Short-eared Owl (R52_3693)
Eric Lu Photography: Grebe courtship rushing ceremony (R52_8819-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Western Grebe and chick (R52_0688)
Eric Lu Photography: Red-tailed Hawk lifts off (R52_3405-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Merlin (R51_8208-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Bald Eagle (R52_2918)
Eric Lu Photography: Long-eared Owl (R51_7979)
Eric Lu Photography: Long-eared Owl (R51_7356)
Eric Lu Photography: Long-eared Owl with vole (R51_8197)
Eric Lu Photography: Long-eared Owl (R51_9849-1)
Eric Lu Photography: White-tailed Kite is lifting off ... (R51_0988)
Eric Lu Photography: Bald Eagle (X19_2563-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Hummingbird (X16_9450-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Marsh Wren (X12_3464)
Eric Lu Photography: Yellow Warbler (X19_9639)
Eric Lu Photography: Allen's Hummingbird with water drops (X18_2403)
Eric Lu Photography: Allen's Hummingbird (X16_7241-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Wilson's Warbler (X14_3179-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Northern Shoveler (X12_3714-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Long-tailed weasel (X14_4785)
Eric Lu Photography: American Wigeon (X13_7605-1)
Eric Lu Photography: Northern Harrier (X13_5060)