Eric Lu Photography: Wilson's Phalarope and its reflection
Eric Lu Photography: Wilson's Phalarope
Eric Lu Photography: Black Skimmer
Eric Lu Photography: Forster's Tern
Eric Lu Photography: Brown Pelican
Eric Lu Photography: Black Oystercatcher
Eric Lu Photography: Common Loom
Eric Lu Photography: Common Loom
Eric Lu Photography: Spotted Sandpiper
Eric Lu Photography: Tufted Duck
Eric Lu Photography: Tufted Duck
Eric Lu Photography: Red-breasted Merganser
Eric Lu Photography: Red-breasted Merganser with fish
Eric Lu Photography: Red-breasted Merganser
Eric Lu Photography: White-winged Scoter
Eric Lu Photography: Mandarin Duck
Eric Lu Photography: Mandarin Duck
Eric Lu Photography: Common Merganser family
Eric Lu Photography: Food exchange
Eric Lu Photography: Food exchange
Eric Lu Photography: Black-bellied Plover (Breeding Adult)
Eric Lu Photography: Black-bellied Plover in Flight
Eric Lu Photography: Food is coming ....
Eric Lu Photography: Solitary Sandpiper
Eric Lu Photography: Pectoral Sandpiper
Eric Lu Photography: Greatest parent in the world
Eric Lu Photography: Black Skimmer
Eric Lu Photography: Black Skimmer
Eric Lu Photography: Ridgway's rail (Clapper rail)