Eric Lu Photography: Red-breasted Sapsucker
Eric Lu Photography: European Starling
Eric Lu Photography: Belted-kingfisher
Eric Lu Photography: Western Bluebird
Eric Lu Photography: Western Bluebird
Eric Lu Photography: Feeding time
Eric Lu Photography: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Eric Lu Photography: Lewis's Woodpecker
Eric Lu Photography: Canyon Wren
Eric Lu Photography: Yellow Warbler
Eric Lu Photography: Duck fighting - first round - KO!
Eric Lu Photography: Western Bluebird
Eric Lu Photography: Western Bluebird
Eric Lu Photography: It's too big ...
Eric Lu Photography: California Thrasher
Eric Lu Photography: Harvest season ...
Eric Lu Photography: Hermit Thrush with red berry
Eric Lu Photography: Greater Roadrunner - A bird born to run
Eric Lu Photography: Canyon Wren
Eric Lu Photography: You will not see it often - Black-throated Blue Warbler is calling ....
Eric Lu Photography: Townsend's Solitaire
Eric Lu Photography: Lazuli Bunting
Eric Lu Photography: I am calling you .... House Wren
Eric Lu Photography: White-tailed Kite
Eric Lu Photography: Lawrence's Goldfinch is singing .....
Eric Lu Photography: Lesser Goldfinch
Eric Lu Photography: Lawrence’s Goldfinch
Eric Lu Photography: Happy Deer family
Eric Lu Photography: Ash-throated Flycatcher