erickPDX: Charles and Jaffari
erickPDX: Lineup
erickPDX: A family affair
erickPDX: Afternoon stroll
erickPDX: Encircled
erickPDX: Two young ones watching gazelles
erickPDX: PK watching Leopards...
erickPDX: Courtship
erickPDX: Not quite in the "secluded" area yet...
erickPDX: Secretary Profile
erickPDX: Hiding Reedbuck
erickPDX: Solo Zeb
erickPDX: Barock Agama
erickPDX: Check both ways
erickPDX: Are they gone yet?
erickPDX: Freeze and stop
erickPDX: Learning to fly
erickPDX: Shooting Lions
erickPDX: Wind-swept Mane
erickPDX: Time to get up...
erickPDX: You coming?
erickPDX: Why you lookin at me?
erickPDX: Hope
erickPDX: George Clooney of Lions
erickPDX: Blondie
erickPDX: Last rays
erickPDX: Orange Orb and Acacias
erickPDX: Out of a morning stroll
erickPDX: Cheetah Babies!
erickPDX: Nuzzling with Mom