erickPDX: Calm before the mad rush of the porter hiring...
erickPDX: Paul "Maroney" is not having it.
erickPDX: Jeff is pumped!
erickPDX: A legit uphill hike.
erickPDX: Whether you want it or not, you get the porter butt push.
erickPDX: Paul Kirui, intent on his shot
erickPDX: Runaway Baby
erickPDX: Dangling
erickPDX: He makes it look so easy
erickPDX: Playmates
erickPDX: Gorilla Gymnastics
erickPDX: Fingermouthing is so 2016, young one.
erickPDX: Dismount
erickPDX: Midnight Rider
erickPDX: Mother and Baby
erickPDX: Hey girl, where you running so fast?
erickPDX: Kabukojo, a beastly silverback
erickPDX: Going to town on the bamboo
erickPDX: Gun Show
erickPDX: Low Bar
erickPDX: Gorilla Kids
erickPDX: Gosling
erickPDX: Ana in Bwindi
erickPDX: We survived.
erickPDX: PK, EK and AQ
erickPDX: Heyy
erickPDX: I had to help the porter stand after he carried the Bataflae all day.
erickPDX: Boaz and Art
erickPDX: African Scooter
erickPDX: Paul shows us how it's done.