erickPDX: MV Origin's Sun Deck
erickPDX: Galapagos Pangas
erickPDX: The capital of Galapagos
erickPDX: Dawn
erickPDX: Off the bow at Genovesa
erickPDX: Galapagos Fur Seals getting mouthy
erickPDX: Nazca Booby
erickPDX: Feeding time
erickPDX: Baby Booby
erickPDX: Handsome Nazca
erickPDX: Part of the Origin Squad
erickPDX: Derpy Booby Face #1
erickPDX: Gustavo and a juvenile booby
erickPDX: "Non parental" adult contact
erickPDX: The villain leaves the scene
erickPDX: Ana on Genovesa
erickPDX: Red-footed Booby in a tree
erickPDX: Bright feet
erickPDX: Hiking Genovesa's Interior
erickPDX: Fuzzy guy
erickPDX: Mother Frigate with child
erickPDX: Gliding...
erickPDX: Looking for lunch
erickPDX: Galapagos Mockingbird
erickPDX: Sally, Ken and Gary on Genovesa
erickPDX: Large Ground Finch on Lava Cactus
erickPDX: Short-eared Owl with a Storm Petrel snack
erickPDX: Josy watches the Owl lunch process
erickPDX: Beak full of feathers
erickPDX: Full MV Origin Squad on Genovesa