erickPDX: Yoga Stretch!
erickPDX: Rare Eric Sighting
erickPDX: Mirror Lake
erickPDX: Beargrass Smells
erickPDX: Mr. Cameraman
erickPDX: Fields of Beargrass at Mirror Lake
erickPDX: Relaxing before another climb
erickPDX: Mt. Hood from slopes up to Tom, Dick and Harry
erickPDX: Summer Warmth
erickPDX: Too close for focus
erickPDX: Jefferson
erickPDX: Ana and the grass
erickPDX: Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier
erickPDX: Government Camp
erickPDX: Mt. Hood and Mirror Lake
erickPDX: Resting on the ultimate rock chair
erickPDX: Mt. Hood Summit
erickPDX: Relaxing
erickPDX: Distant hills
erickPDX: Mt. Hood from Tom, Dick and Harry Mountain
erickPDX: Beargrass in profile
erickPDX: Hummingbird sighting!
erickPDX: Colorful fellow
erickPDX: Camel style
erickPDX: Ana, Valentino and Mt. Hood
erickPDX: Eric
erickPDX: The pose!