eTHEg: Hung like a mouse.
eTHEg: So fun to watch.
eTHEg: I love this man. And that drink.
eTHEg: The summary of my night.
eTHEg: And then it went alll bad...
eTHEg: Lookit them eyes!
eTHEg: By that smile, you'd never know he's gay.
eTHEg: I don't remember this. Neither does he.
eTHEg: It's not rape if you're willing.
eTHEg: Violation of Thom.
eTHEg: HaHA!
eTHEg: The circus was in town.
eTHEg: All consumed within an hour.
eTHEg: Certain death.
eTHEg: Toooooo hot.
eTHEg: We rock.
eTHEg: In a nutshell...