eric Hews: Jack Nicklaus Moth - front porch screen [above]
eric Hews: Jack Nicklaus Moth - front porch screen [side]
eric Hews: I wuvs you...
eric Hews: you are cleared for a powdery yellow landing
eric Hews: cicada SMALL
eric Hews: baby green praying mantis that wanted to eat my face
eric Hews: beeflies joined in holy... mackerel!
eric Hews: out of my way, pesky human!
eric Hews: yet another bee on a sunflower
eric Hews: beeflies are unabashedly getting some in my backyard!
eric Hews: an ant on a yellow journey
eric Hews: pretty and fast exotic ant [ID provided: RED VELVET ANT, but really a WASP!]
eric Hews: ready for take-off too