eric Hews: turtle of some sort
eric Hews: fiddler crab
eric Hews: tiny sandy crabby
eric Hews: I am a sad, sorry little toad
eric Hews: ZizaDaemon
eric Hews: ...i just look troubled
eric Hews: "the solubility of the wicked" - a self-portrait by eric Hews © 2008
eric Hews: TheBakedDude
eric Hews: IdoNOTneedBraces
eric Hews: The Dude Abides
eric Hews: cicada SMALL
eric Hews: please scratch here - elephant
eric Hews: come here big doggie
eric Hews: Freya and Loki paws and jelly beans.
eric Hews: Freya and Loki paws, knees, and beans.