eric:b: Kern Aarau Binoculars, Stadtmuseum Aarau
eric:b: charoniavariegata, sea shell
eric:b: anemone with bees (cropped 100%)
eric:b: anemone with bees
eric:b: Euphrasia; medical plant
eric:b: Rockcrystal
eric:b: Rockcrystal
eric:b: Paulownia tomentosa, flower and nut
eric:b: Paulownia tomentosa, flower and nut
eric:b: Paulownia tomentosa, flower and nut (seed shell)
eric:b: barberry colors
eric:b: Protar 180mm lens
eric:b: moon at day
eric:b: cactus flower
eric:b: subtle colors
eric:b: arbutus
eric:b: Frittillaria meleagris
eric:b: Rockcrystal, reflecting surface, enclosures
eric:b: White Poplar
eric:b: red kite, rainbow, skyline
eric:b: Rob's narrow boat