Eric Hardy: Get the hell out of here!!
Eric Hardy: And here is the cow in question.
Eric Hardy: Eric, let me introduce you to Eric (revised)
Eric Hardy: "Eric, let me introduce you to Eric"
Eric Hardy: Eric, let me introduce you to Eric (Third shot with cane removed).
Eric Hardy: Eric, let me introduce you to Eric (First shot )
Eric Hardy: Eric, let me introduce you to Eric (Second shot)
Eric Hardy: Many hands make light work
Eric Hardy: Many hands make light work
Eric Hardy: Discussion on the summerhouse deck
Eric Hardy: See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil
Eric Hardy: How I see the world
Eric Hardy: Moonlight Olympics (Montreal)
Eric Hardy: On the edge of the abyss
Eric Hardy: Oldfield Road
Eric Hardy: Uncoiling
Eric Hardy: Seaweed
Eric Hardy: Let's give it a whirl (Ottawa Art Gallery roof)
Eric Hardy: Benji Benji Benji mows the lawn
Eric Hardy: Reflected gables, Amsterdam, September 1960