Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Flying Vau de Vire Airlines
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: The place were it happens
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Giv' him some roses!
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Angela goes Circus
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Mad Dog and Mike Gaines
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Nancy Kay & Elliott
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire Society
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire's call
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: This year at Hard Rock Cafe
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Chuck and Sarah, Vau de Vire Central Station