Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Do not shot the pianist
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire Alcatraz Headshot
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire Alcatraz 20070616_0058.jpg
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire Alcatraz 20070616_0070.jpg
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire Alcatraz 20070616_0078.jpg
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire Alcatraz
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: L'oeil du photographe
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Guard Holly at Alcatraz
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Vau de Vire at Alcatraz
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: the day following M. Moore's new movie