Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Flying trapeze J9 of Xeno
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: wings of belly dance
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Photograph on his horse
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: periode bleu sculpture
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: periode bleu regards
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Periode Bleu, ombre a la joie
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: periode bleu contact
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: periode bleu chute
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: periode bleu assise
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Periode bleu, l envol
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Periode bleu la montee
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: Periode bleu; la montee
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown: slam poet panorama