Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Women & Children 1
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
W&C together copy
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
W&C together
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
W&C guitars
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
W&C drumer 1
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Kelley Stoltz's public
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Kelley Stoltz and public
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Kelley Stoltz 4
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Kelley Stoltz 3
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Kelley Stoltz 2
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Kelley Stoltz
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
W&C public
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
No Alternative guitar
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
No Alternative bass and drum
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
No Alternative bass 2
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
No Alternative bass 1
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Blevin Blectum 1
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire B&W
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire statue of fire
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire en public et en noir et blanc
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire en public
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire en coins
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Blevin Blectum 3
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Blevin Blectum 2
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Regards sur une autre vision de la music
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Experiment Haywire 6