Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Seamus Heaney
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Fashion and soul
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
d'art et de dos
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
New life
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
George the V, aux toilettes de l'histoire
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Bouteille a la mer
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
John: violonist in BART
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Halloween's evening
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Between a building and a few trees
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
"us" BurningMan 2008 project
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
In Marseilles
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
les mains de Steven Raspa
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Eric Gillet - Shoot That Klown:
Post card from Britany