edelabar: I think I'm teething
edelabar: Me and Daddy
edelabar: Mmmmmm cooooold
edelabar: Maisie and me playing
edelabar: Maisie and me playing
edelabar: Maisie and me playing
edelabar: Maisie and me playing
edelabar: Maisie and me playing
edelabar: Maisie handing me my soccer ball rattles
edelabar: Party decorations for their 1st bday
edelabar: Party decorations
edelabar: Mommy and Aunt Aimee decorated
edelabar: Party decorations
edelabar: Party decorations
edelabar: Twins ready for the party
edelabar: Party decorations
edelabar: Party decorations
edelabar: Hanging out with Maisie again
edelabar: Hanging out with Maisie again
edelabar: Hanging out with Maisie again
edelabar: Ready for presents!
edelabar: Present time!
edelabar: Present time!
edelabar: Present time!
edelabar: Maisie and Maddux are helping Aunt Aimee while mommy's cousin Sarah watches
edelabar: Present time!
edelabar: Present time!
edelabar: Maisie likes the paper best!
edelabar: Maddux likes the paper too!
edelabar: Present time!