ericcook: bridge to sanibel island
ericcook: coming into resort
ericcook: beach in morning
ericcook: its a hard knock life
ericcook: ok, some work to do, not all sun and beach
ericcook: poster (aka reason I'm here)
ericcook: To dinner, florida style
ericcook: To dinner, libby at the wheel
ericcook: Cliff and Libby attack the bucket o' seafood
ericcook: Pile o' shellfish
ericcook: Pile o' remains
ericcook: Mel Gibson in the men's room (!?)
ericcook: View from beach
ericcook: sunlight beach
ericcook: academics invading the domain of the sun worshipers
ericcook: poster session/reception picks up steam
ericcook: me, a'poster-ing
ericcook: front of the resort
ericcook: more context: Resort sign
ericcook: Libby presents her RideNow short paper
ericcook: Michelle explains why Grad Tools is a Good Thing
ericcook: Michelle on Grad Tools, part 2
ericcook: Group'ers, productive between sessions
ericcook: Dead horseshoe crab
ericcook: more horseshoe crab shells
ericcook: horseshoe crab shell, flipped
ericcook: dead sponge
ericcook: puffer fish husk
ericcook: semi-self portrait on beach
ericcook: beach shell bonanza, close up