ericaland: Foundation Bar
ericaland: Mural outside Foundation Bar in Milwaukee
ericaland: Claudia, Erica and Jon @ Bonnie's Tom and Jerry Party
ericaland: Karen, Mom and Donnie at Bonnie's Tom and Jerry Party
ericaland: Bonnie, ? and Bonnie at Bonnie's Tom and Jerry Party
ericaland: On our way to the Rudolph Cheese Store! (Jon lurking in back)
ericaland: Cheese Grommit! The Rudolph Cheese Store
ericaland: OMG! So much cheese! The Rudolph Cheese Store
ericaland: The whole family at the Old Fashioned in Madison Wisconsin
ericaland: C and Jon at the Old Fashioned in Madison Wisconsin
ericaland: Dad and C at the Old Fashioned in Madison Wisconsin
ericaland: Friday night fish fry at the Old Fashioned in Madison Wisconsin
ericaland: Snow in my parents' back yard in Dubuque, Iowa
ericaland: C in my parents' back yard in Dubuque, Iowa
ericaland: Snowy tree. Snowy snow.
ericaland: Night time in my parents' back yard in Dubuque, Iowa
ericaland: Presents! Stockings! Hooray!
ericaland: IMG_1201
ericaland: Katie, Jon, and C in the back. Not sure what's going on here...
ericaland: What's in the present on the right?
ericaland: Jon and Dad
ericaland: Bonnie!
ericaland: Christmas/40th Anniversary celebration dinner
ericaland: Like mother, like daughter, I guess.
ericaland: Us in the hottub at -4º
ericaland: Me and the folks...
ericaland: Me n Bonnie
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ericaland: IMG_1224
ericaland: Ah, Chicago!