In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Bearded Seal Resting on Ice Raft Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Bearded Seal Resting on Ice Raft Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Flocks of Seabirds Flying Low Over Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Akademik Sergey Vavilov Scientific Vessel Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Bearded Seal Resting on Ice Raft Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Akademik Sergey Vavilov Scientific Vessel Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Akademik Sergey Vavilov Scientific Vessel Polar Bear Family Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Akademik Sergey Vavilov Scientific Vessel Polar Bear Family Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Twins Feasting on Fresh Seal Kill Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Cub Leaping Over Ice Floe Melt Water Pool Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Cub Leaping Over Ice Floe Melt Water Pool Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Mother and Cub Walking an Ice Floe Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Leaping Polar Bear Ice Floe Melt Water Pool Prince Leopold Island Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Nature's Abstract Ice Crystals Forming on Ice Floe Melt Water Pool Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Walking the Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Polar Bear Family Walking the Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: On The Bow of The Akademik Ioffe Vessel Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: On The Bow of The Akademik Ioffe Vessel Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Cloud and Seascapes Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Akademik Sergey Vavilov Vast Arctic Wilderness Ice Floes Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Mirrored Reflections Akademik Sergey Vavilov Towering Ramparts Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Mirrored Reflections Akademik Sergey Vavilov Towering Ramparts Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Mirrored Reflections Akademik Sergey Vavilov Towering Ramparts Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Mirrored Reflections Akademik Sergey Vavilov Towering Ramparts Prince Leopold Island Prince Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic