In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Yellow-Eyed Penguin Hoiho Standing on Mossy Coastal Rocks Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Yellow-Eyed Penguin Standing on Mossy Coastal Rocks Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Yellow-Eyed Penguin Hoiho Walking across Vegetated Habitat Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Yellow-Eyed Penguin Hoiho Resting on a Mossy Tree Trunk Remnant Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Yellow-Eyed Penguin Hoiho Standing on Mossy Coastal Rocks Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Two Yellow-Eyed Penguins Hoiho Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Two Yellow-Eyed Penguins Hoiho Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Yellow-Eyed Penguin Hoiho Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Two Yellow-Eyed Penguins Hoiho Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Yellow-Eyed Penguins Hoiho Natural Habitat Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Critically Endangered Yellow-Eyed Penguins Hoiho Swimming Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Shy Yellow-Eyed Penguins Hoiho Enderby Island Subantarctic Auckland Islands New Zealand
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Towering Mountains of the West of Cape Adare Ross Sea Area Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Humboldt Penguins Ballestas Islands Peru South America
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Humboldt Penguins Ballestas Islands Peru South America
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Humboldt Penguins Ballestas Islands Peru South America
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Have You Been A Good Baby While I've Been Away Fishing for Your Dinner?? Adult Adelie Penguin and Dishevelled Downy Chicks Possession Islands Ross Sea Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Adelie Penguin Chicks Creche Possession Islands Ross Sea Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Adult Adelie Penguins on Iceberg Ross Sea Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Adult Adelie Penguins on Iceberg Raft Cape Adare Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Adult Adelie Penguins Possession Islands Ross Sea Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: King Penguin Colony or Rookery World Heritage Site Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Royal Penguin Adult and Hungry Chick World Heritage Site Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Royal Penguins Clambering Over Beached Kelp World Heritage Site Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Elephant Seal King Penguins World Heritage Site Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: King Penguins Marching on a Stoney Beach Macquarie Island Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Leading the Choir! Royal Penguin Colony or Rookery World Heritage Site Subantarctic Macquarie Island Australia
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Emperor and Adelie Penguins Cape Bird Ross Island Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Emperor and Adelie Penguin Cape Bird Ross Island Antarctica
In Memoriam Ngaire Hart: Adelie Parents Reunion Cape Bird Ross Island Antartica