erase: Tryfan from Bristly Ridge
erase: Ogwen Valley from the Glyders
erase: Bright light!
erase: Boys bach
erase: Journey home
erase: Zamberlans Rock!
erase: Slimbridge
erase: It's all downhill from here...
erase: Which way now?
erase: Rockpile
erase: Trev naps
erase: Nice hat
erase: Probably...
erase: Mike & his D90
erase: Nearly there
erase: Dafydd
erase: Bristly Ridge
erase: Nice view
erase: Meeting the locals
erase: Bristly Ridge
erase: Bristly Ridge
erase: Bristly Ridge
erase: Sinister Gully
erase: Sinister Gully
erase: Respite from the sun
erase: Mind your step
erase: Going up was only half of the fun
erase: Descent
erase: Descent
erase: Don't look down!