erametta: Actress having taken her tumble
erametta: actress at the begining of the take on her way to the tumble
erametta: actress getting direction for her next tumble
erametta: dp and director discussing the shot with the actresses
erametta: actress getting direction from the director for her next tumble
erametta: actress after taking her spill
erametta: actress after taking her fall
erametta: crew preparing for shot
erametta: crew setting up for shot
erametta: crew setting up under the scaffolding
erametta: AC trying to set up monitor under the scaffolding
erametta: crew hiding under tarp
erametta: Crew waiting for the rain to pass
erametta: crew waiting for the rain to stop
erametta: crew waiting for rain to pass
erametta: Crew waiting under the tarp
erametta: shot of shot on monitor
erametta: shot of shot thru monitor
erametta: crew outside of opera house
erametta: crew outside of Howard Gilman Opera House
erametta: BAM sign outside of parking lot
erametta: staircase outside of opera house
erametta: staircases on outside of opera house
erametta: crew prepping shot
erametta: crew setting up for shot
erametta: Shooting across the street from BAM
erametta: Close up on actresses "wound"
erametta: Shot of the shot thru the monitor
erametta: crew setting up the shot
erametta: DP checking the shot in the monitor