erametta: Flowers on a stoop down the street
erametta: rose in neighbor's garden
erametta: Bailey entering the building
erametta: Bailey on the top of the stoop
erametta: Bailey and Efrem coming home from a walk
erametta: Looking down 6th st at Newport in the rain
erametta: Intersection of 6th and Manila
erametta: Ef and Bailey crossing the street
erametta: 5th and manila street signs at dusk
erametta: street lamp at dusk in the rain
erametta: Mass of telephone wires across from our house
erametta: Tangle of telephone wires
erametta: side walk at dusk during the summer rain
erametta: street light across the street
erametta: View down the street during dusk in the rain
erametta: Door of the apartment from the hallway
erametta: Stray cat on the neighbor's fire escape
erametta: Mr. Softee at dusk (yes, and in the rain)
erametta: Newport at sunset from the fire escape
erametta: Mr. Softee truck at dusk
erametta: Street light around the corner
erametta: Embankment from back yard
erametta: looking down erie st with embankment
erametta: sky from fire escape
erametta: police station around the corner
erametta: Rose in neighbor's garden
erametta: newport at sunset
erametta: newport at sunset from fire escape
erametta: newport at sunset from the middle of 6th st.
erametta: Jersey City Streets at Sunset