E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-03 Collected Specimen TEC-0004 Palicourea tomentosa - E. P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2013-07-06 TEC-498 Palicourea tomentosa - E. P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2011-07-24 TEC-4195 Palicourea tomentosa EP Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-03 Collected Specimen TEC-0005 Palicourea tomentosa - E. P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2011-07-24 TEC-4192 Palicourea tomentosa EP Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2011-07-24 TEC-4191 Palicourea tomentosa - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-09 TEC-7090026 Palicourea tomentosa with fruit - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-09 TEC-7090025 Palicourea tomentosa with fruit - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-09 TEC-7090027 Palicourea tomentosa with fruit - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-09 TEC-7090031 Palicourea tomentosa with fruit - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2022-12-17 TBZ-0269 Bze Zoo reopens , Hot Lips (Palicourea tomentosa) - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2011-07-24 TEC-4194 Palicourea tomentosa EP Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2016-04-10 TEC-2520 Palicourea tomentosa - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-07-05 TEC-160303 Palicourea tomentosa - E. P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
2012-10-31 TEC-3119 Davilla kunthii, habit - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
Collected 2012-07-03 Mallory-0001 PsyPoep spec TEC-0387 - E.P. Mallory
E.P. Mallory:
Collected 2012-07-09 Mallory-0709 Palicourea tomentosa data sheets